torstai 16. syyskuuta 2010

Bad news.


I haven't been posting for a long time because everything is pretty upside down here right now. Everything started two weeks ago on Wednesday. My dad took us all (Me, my sister and mom) to the living room and he said he wanted to tell us something about himself. He started to talk about that he had been at therapy for over an year and what he had found out there. He talked so long about how his father used to be very strict to him when he was a kid and how he had become a "codependent" and bla bla. Then he suddenly said that he had found out thah he dosen't love Ussa (my mom) anymore. I was so shocked! I started to cry and shake, my heart beated so hard and I hardly could breath. My dad just kept going talking about his hard childhood. My mom asked him if he wanted a divorce and he couldn't even say it aloud. Then I went to my room because I just could not be there anymore when my parents started argue. My sister come to my room too and later my dad came in and he started to talk about these stupid things that he has read from psychology books.. Like please I didn't wanna see him then.
Then he staid at home and watched the TV like nothing had happened and even slept with my mom in the same bed!! He has behaved childishly anyway after this happened. Like usually you tell about this to the mom and then together to the kids but he told presently to all of us at the same time...

The next day me and Valdis said him to go because he had turned into a stranger for us.
 Moreover my dad met this therapist at the bar. Later we found out thah SHE wasn't even a REAL therapist..

 Then on Friday my dad calls me and tels that my grandfather had cerebral bleeding and hes not going to make it. Well, last weekend we went to hes funeral..

There is so much I wanna say but I need to go now.. So My parents are divorcing, my grandfather died AND my sister just went a week ago to Ireland at least for half year. 

 Me and my mom are going to try to survive alone in our apartment with our sorrows... These are not easy times to us... And this is why I ended my double degree thing....

But have to go now... BYE!

15 kommenttia:

linni kirjoitti...

Voi ei ;---;
kaks porukoiden avioeroa läpikäyneenä voin kai sanoa tietäväni kuinka kamalaa tommonen on... ,__,
tosi paljon voimia sulle ja äidillesi sinne~~~♥

Anya kirjoitti...

Oh man,sweetie I'm so sorry! Seriously I know how things are when you are down and things just go in the wrong direction, but hang in there. This is a hard time and fresh, but it would be best for you to be with your mom a lot. I bet she's hurting like mad.

Anyways, I hope things go back to being good very soon~

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Voi ei ihan kauheeta!! Koita pärjäillä ja paljon voimia sulle<3 Toivottavasti pian tuntuu jo paremmalta! :)

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Poor you! :( Hope you'll feel better soon. <3

Temerice kirjoitti...

I feel terrible for you, and I'm so sorry about your grandfather and your parents divorce ;____;. But after all, a person have to go through dark times to become really strong.

whoa kirjoitti...

be strong, you'll make it! sorry i'm bad at comforting, but things will be alright, even if it feels now that they won't ever be alright. hope you'll get your life back on track soon<3

Sanni kirjoitti...

No ei ihme josset oo jaksanut päivittää.. Koitahan jaksaa<3

Becci kirjoitti...

A divorce always difficult... I know how you feel.
Keep on fighting, but you also have the right to be sad.


Emmis kirjoitti...

Thank you guys! You made me feel better and stronger =) <33

Hannah kirjoitti...

Sweetheart, I'm so sorry. That's not something somebody should ever go through. It's not fair at all that your dad would do that to you guys ;_;

You seem like such a strong, sweet girl, though. Hang in there! We're all here for you~ ♥

Ram kirjoitti...

Voi ei ;__;; otan osaa ja voimia paljon!!

R. kirjoitti...

Mun porukoilla oli aika sama juttu, joten I know how you feel. :'<

Voimia sulle ja äidilles~ ♥

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Jaksamisia. Mä voin kertoa, että asioista puhuminen luultavasti helpottaa. Mä oon kohta jo 19. Mun vanhemmat ei ole _ikinä tullut toimeen keskenään. Koko mun lapsuus oli aivan kamalaa tappelua niiltä ja kunnon sotaa ja huutoa aina. Mut kuitenki aina piti käyttäytyy ku "normaali" perhe. Sit kun olin n.15 vee mun äiti vaan käski mun isän muuttaa pois. Siitä ei keskusteltu perheen kesken vaan äiti vaan sano niin ja muutenki koko perhe oli aina hajalla. Ja maailman tyhmintä tässä on se, et vaikka siitä erosta on jo nyt 4 vuotta edes mun paras kaveri ei tiedä, kukaan ei tiedä mun vanhempien erosta. Mä en vaan oo kellekkään uskaltanu kertoa, johtuu varmaan siitä et muutenki meidän perheessä ei ikinä keskustella eikä olla kovin läheisiä, vaikka ollaankin, mut asioista vaan ei keskustella. Siitäkään erosta äiti ei sen kummepia selitelly, tokas vaan aamulla et isänne muuttaa pois ja asia oli sillä loppuunkäsitelty ja sen jälkeen siitä ei olla edes puhuttu. Ja kauheinta on pitää kaikkia asioita vaan sisällä aina. Nyt oli hyvä tilaisuus avautua edes tähän huh.

Emmis kirjoitti...

Anonyymi: joo oon puhunu jo vähän kaikkien kanssa tästä ja blogiinki piti avautua.. =D Mut toi asioiden sisällä pitäminen on aika tuskallista =((

Kiitos kaikille!


Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Stay strong and sooner than you know you'll be looking back at this hard time in your life and have grown from it <3