I'm so tired about the Finnish gals hate! I'm tired to see secrets like these every weeks in gyaru secrets!!
Like I know there are some not so gal people here in finland but nobody's that good in the beginning. They'll learn. So did I, so did you, So did everyone! If you saw me a few years ago trying to be gal and failing as a GANGURO, see these gals after few years and doing gyaru well!
And first of all. THAT BAGS NOT MINE! And how does chanel bag make me non gyaru? Or does it? Am I not gyaru enough? I have over knee high heels (theyre from MILANO btw ;DD so how can they fail....), false lashes, fakenails, extensions and CURLED HAIR. And BLING BLING! And fucking bling bling phone I Decod just yesterday again. I'm not FAT (if someone thinks big girl cant be gal....)! I do have gal brands clothes (for example the necklace I have in the picture is Cocolulus..). I have a blog. Do I really need circle lenses to be a gal. Pin doesn't have and you say shes pretty.
We aren't bitches! We didn't start all this drama!
Its not our fault!!!!
7 kommenttia:
Oon niin samaa mieltä tosta kaikesta paskasta mitä suomalaisista galeista jauhetaan. Ihanku missään muualla maailmassa ei olis alottelevia gyaruita tai ihmisiä jotka ei vielä hallitse tyyliään täysin, Suomi nyt on vaan näköjään joutunu kaikkien hampaisiin.
Muttajuu, näköjään joillain ihmisillä on niin huono itsetunto että niidne pitää sitä kohottaa mollaamalla muita. Eivät taida itsekkään suorittaa tyyliään kummoisesti, jos omaa kuvaansa pitää vahvbistaa haukkumalla muita. Ja eikös se kaikki yleensä kateudesta lähde? :)
okay, finnish gals are among the nicest i've met and spoken to. really, these secrets are just ridiculous.
i'm willing to bet you anything, emmis, that these girls are just super jealous. that's all it is.
if ANYONE does 'western' gyaru RIGHT, it's the finns.
much love to you, girl! <3
The drama is most likely from one butthurt ugly girl who doesnt try to be gal and gets pissed at those who are good :P
Everybody should chill :P
don't worry!
I think you do a great job!!
and if that gossiping girl doesn't know, she might not even know, who you are.
Thaniks gyus for all the complimets <3 I'm always so scared that I fail... I want to be, well not perfect but GOOD.
But yeah, I think its like one girl who's just bored and she needs something to do and diss at. I don't take it very seriously, but it's still super irritating!
I think this whole Finnhate is so stupid and IDK, useless. Finnish gals didn't ask for drama! And all the gals I've talked to are nice and helpful girls.
Like you said, everybody learns!
Enkä usko että mikään yksittäinen itemi, kuten linssit, loisivat koko tyyliä.
Joo hei, tää linssisysteemi on kanssa menny ihan överiksi gyarupiireissä! Olen nähnyt useita todella hyvin onnistuineita tyttöjä, ILMAN circle linssejä! Mutta vielä enemmän olen nähnyt FAILAAVIA tyttöjä LINSSIEN KERA .. joten päätelläänpä tästä sitten jotain.
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