maanantai 5. huhtikuuta 2010

Sorry for not being posting for a long time... Too much to do all the time at school and outside of school...

I've been for the whole weekend at Arttus place and we went eating in McDonalds for TWO times ;____; I have already got 2 kilos more weight... now I'm far away from my ideal weight... Well no can do!I'm trying to eat as healthy as I can and I'm rtying to do more exercise but it feels like it don't help at all.... =(

WELL... We had Easter holiday for 4 days. On Thursday me and Arttu went seeing the new Alice in the Wonderland movie.
It was better than I had imagined but not as good as I wanted it to be....Hmm... =D Anyways I liked it and it was a good movie.

On Friday Arttu went out with his friends and I invited Pin to my place. We had a lot of fun and the time went too fast =( Luckily I'm gonna see her again next saturday!
 On saturday Me and Arttu were going to see our friend but then we didn't so we went eating at Mäkki and rented few movies and pought candy. Nice and relaxing day =) 
My look:

Yesterday we met our friend Katya. We went to Mäkki AGAIN but only because NOTHING was open.. We had planned to go to D'Wock (?) and I really wanted to go eating something else than hamburgers...
Then we went to Katya's place and we played cards =) 


And Arttu

And Katyas little brothers guinea bigs

I have so much I want to write about but I really need to start reading for my tomorrows physics proof.. so BYE! =))

4 kommenttia:

R. kirjoitti...

Liisa Ihmemaassa oli hyvä elokuva. :D Mä ehdin kattomaan se jo ensi-illassa~ x)

Tiedätkös, sun silmät on tosi kauniin väriset, eli kun joskus kirjotit jotain piilareista, niin ei kannata ostaa turhaan uusia. : D

Emmis kirjoitti...

Aaah kiitos *w*
Joo nohaluisin ruskeet piilarit/silmät ja ISOMMAT ennen kaikkea. mut en taida pitkää aikaa piilareita uskaltaa silmääni tökätä ;(

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Sulla on ihana meikki tässä postauksessa. :)Tykkään kovasti tyylistäs ja inspiroit muakin. ^___^ Ja noista silmistä, sulla todellakin on kauniit silmät ihan luonnostaan. Ei kandee piilareita hankkia jos mult kysytään. :D

Emmis kirjoitti...

Kiitossss ^w^

Piilarit olis kyl kiva LISÄ nättiyks mun silmiin 8D